Pearson plc homepageinvestor relations

: notes to the accounts :


6. Net interest payable – Group

all figures in £ millions
Interest payable and similar charges:
On borrowing repayable wholly within five years not by instalments
On borrowing repayable wholly or partly after five years


Interest receivable and similar income:
On deposits and liquid funds
On discounted proceeds on businesses held for resale (see note 17)
Amortisation of swap proceeds (see note 20)

Net interest payable


1999 Annual Report
* Introduction
* Chairman's letter
* Chief executive's review
* The Pearson Goals
* Internet Goals
* The Results
* Financial Review
* Financial Policy
* Directors' Report
* Personnel Committee Report
* Pearson Education
* Penguin Group
* Financial Times Group
* Pearson Televison
* Recolétos
* Lazard
* Consolidated profit and loss account
* Consolidated balance sheet
* Consolidated statement of cash flows
* Statement of total recognised gains and losses
* Note of historical cost profits and losses
* Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds
* Report to the Auditors to the Members of Pearson plc
* Principal subsidiaries and associates
* Five year summary
* Shareholder information
* Notes to the accounts

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